Tuesday, May 1, 2007

cat dicks are not so "purrr"-fect

okay, i think something needs to be said about cat dicks. what's with cats having the most pathetic dicks in the world? it's so sad. cats are awesome animals. but there's something not so awesome about them, and that's their dick. it looks like a crayon! what the fuck? don't get the wrong idea. it's not like i sit here on the internet and check out what different dicks in the animal kingdom look like or anything. i'm not into that okay? NOT INTO THAT!!! but i think it's weird and uncool that cat dicks not only are small as hell and look like some kind of fucked up slimy crayon/adaptor cord, but also that they are SPIKED and hurt the female cat while sex is happening! i've never seen my male cat's dick before, and i'm really glad about that. i hope i never do! don't think i'm hating on cats in this post alright? i love cats. just don't love their penis. it would be a lot worse if i DID love cat dicks, so don't be all like "you're gross."

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